Sunday, February 28, 2010

postheadericon All in a days work

                Today was supposed to be a relax day for me as this season I choose not to work on Sundays, however the big boss had other plans for us.  We had training today for a new contest that the company is rolling out which lasted 3 hours and then we had to call an emergency team meeting to roll out the plan to the rest of our team.  That meeting lasted just over an hour. 
              I was given the privilege of running this meeting for our team and I was NERVOUS!  I am not a good public speaker to begin with and then having 11 or so sets of not so happy eyes staring at you with the only thoughts running through their heads of what they could or should be at home doing was all the more frightening!  I thin the meeting went well, and my boss was there to back me up for the things I forgot.:)   
             I have to say I am very excited about training to become an office leader.  When I started with this company I never thought I would have the ability or potential to go places in the company and now in just two short years I am seeing that I do have the potential and I am going to go far in this company.  First stop Office Leader, Next stop District leader:)  While I am not sure how long it will take me to achieve all of my goals I am sure that I am on the right track. 
            If you or anyone you know is still in need of having their taxes prepared for this year please fell free to send them our way:)Photobucket


babygirl said...

congrats on your new position,i im also a single momm of a teen 16 ans a 3 yr old. im recently looking for work i know alot of moms are getting paid to blog i havent been so successful with it but i im not giving up you can check my blog out at


Welcome to my blog. I am new to this so please feel free to give me any comments or suggestions.

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About Me

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Clinton Township, Michigan, United States
I am a single mom of a preteen young man who works a full time job. My son and I try and do many activities together inside and outside (weather permitting)
