Saturday, September 18, 2010
I am Back!!
Good Saturday Morning Everyone!!
Alright let me start off with saying I know I fell off the radar 6 months ago but things had gotten crazy and my blogging had to be put on hold. However now I am back, better then ever and ready to devote my attetion here where it really belonged all the time!
So how was everyone's summer?? Mine was filled with work, work and more work lol Although I did get a chance to check out a few Detroit Tigers games with my son and my parents. Austin was able to sweet talk whatever team we were against into giving him a ball at each and every game this year! He also sweet talked his way into other seats that were closer then the ones we were in. He told me later that day, "Mom, you always say, Your not out anything to ask" I guess maybe he really does listen to me sometimes. lol
Even though this is short and sweet and long over due for now I must slip away and get back to work. Rest assured I will be back and I promise it will be very soon!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!
Alright let me start off with saying I know I fell off the radar 6 months ago but things had gotten crazy and my blogging had to be put on hold. However now I am back, better then ever and ready to devote my attetion here where it really belonged all the time!
So how was everyone's summer?? Mine was filled with work, work and more work lol Although I did get a chance to check out a few Detroit Tigers games with my son and my parents. Austin was able to sweet talk whatever team we were against into giving him a ball at each and every game this year! He also sweet talked his way into other seats that were closer then the ones we were in. He told me later that day, "Mom, you always say, Your not out anything to ask" I guess maybe he really does listen to me sometimes. lol
Even though this is short and sweet and long over due for now I must slip away and get back to work. Rest assured I will be back and I promise it will be very soon!! Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!

Friday, May 21, 2010
Chocolates Anyone??
When Forest Gump said "Life is like a box of chocolates, You never know what your gonna get" did you ever stop to ponder that? Lets see the last time I had a box of chocolates it was pretty mixed up. Lets start with the cream filled. I believe in my life those represent all of the things I do not care for, because I do not like these. So my life is filled with lots of yucky stuff since those boxes always have lots of cream filled in them. Then of course they tease and show you on the front that there are caramel filled ones. Now I don't know about anyone else but I always seem to get the box that only has one caramel one in it because that is my favorite kind. So in my life the caramel filled one has got to be that single most important thing in my life......Austin. Now the last and final thing in that box is all the ones with the nuts. Now nuts are also a favorite of mine so these must represent my family and my friends. And go figure since we are all nuts I guess that is a perfect fit:)
When life throws us those new flavors of chocolate like raspberry and cherry flavored M&M's we will try them out and see where they fit into our life. New friends, new family members, new jobs, and of course new obstacles are all the new flavors.
Everyone's box of chocolate is different. Maybe you like the cream ones, or maybe your box has peanut butter filled ones. Whatever your box contains it's your life live it well because chocolate does not stay fresh forever, and if your not careful about how you handle your chocolate it will melt right before your eyes.

Friday, April 16, 2010
April 16th, The day After.......
I sit here tonight, the evening after the dreaded "Tax Day" sipping a glass of wine and nibbling on chocolate. I can't believe I survived another year! Working 24 out of the last 48 hours was a little rough, but I love the rush. No matter what you might hear me say throughout the year, trust me deep down inside I love the rush during our first peak and our last which happens to be the last 2 days of the filing season. Then the day after we spend cleaning the office, packing up files for storage, and closing up the office for another spring/summer/fall.
I had to watch my office leader tear up today as we closed the office because she is retiring. As much as she cursed this place out for the last few weeks I know that she loves the people she works with and her clients. We bond as a family. We see our co workers more during that 4 months then our natural family lol We joke about the office being our home away from home and putting cots in the back room to spend the night on due to leaving late at night and returning early the next morning! I think today Wendy came to the realization that she can't leave us......she is going to be back, I can feel it in my heart. For now I have the next 8 weeks off and I know I am going to enjoy every minute of it.
I had to watch my office leader tear up today as we closed the office because she is retiring. As much as she cursed this place out for the last few weeks I know that she loves the people she works with and her clients. We bond as a family. We see our co workers more during that 4 months then our natural family lol We joke about the office being our home away from home and putting cots in the back room to spend the night on due to leaving late at night and returning early the next morning! I think today Wendy came to the realization that she can't leave us......she is going to be back, I can feel it in my heart. For now I have the next 8 weeks off and I know I am going to enjoy every minute of it.

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Monday Mingle 4/5
Welcome to another edition of Monday Mingle. To join in all this fun hop on over eightymphmom. There you can also check out all the other minglers each and every week by heading over to eightymphmom. Hope everyone had a great Easter! Had a rough week and I am looking forward to a much brighter week ahead:)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Why now?
So here I sit this evening faced with a decision I do not want to make but somehow have to make because I am the parent. My son has a cat named Smokey who is only 14 months old and in fact one of my current Mama's to the 2 litters we recently were blessed with. Now I admit I have a house full to look after but I never thought I was being neglectful to any of my cats until the Vet told me I was tonight. You see I noticed late last night that Smokey was very thin, no let me rephrase that she was sickly thin. So this morning I took her straight to the vet and after waiting for 2 hours to be seen they said I needed to leave her there to have IV fluids and some bloodwork done. After waiting for 9 hours I received a call from the doctor telling me that it appears she has a massive infection because her white blood cell count is at 48,000. In order to determine where the infection is they must do exploritory surgery. I also needed to know before approving this what I am looking at as far as cost as my finances are so tight right now that day to day I wonder if we will make it. (no child support does not help matters any!) So anyways back to Smokey...... The rough cost at this point to do what they need to do I am looking at between $100-$300 for just the surgery not to mention the costs of her being there all day today and the things they did to her today. Now if they could promise me a final bill of no more than $150 I could probably give the go ahead however that looming fact that I could be looking at $300-$600 I just can not do. I had to tell my son that we will pick up his cat from the vet tomorrow and have her put to sleep. Of course this did not go overly well. I am not sure who is the bigger wreck at this point. I feel like such an awful mom because I can not afford to help his cat. What do I do??

Sunday, March 28, 2010
Dear So and So 3/28/2010
Dear So and So
Dear Sons Gym Teacher,
I know you think I am a crazy mom for allowing my son to not only have a mohawk but to express himself by dying his mohawk whatever color he chooses, but really you need to get over it! Sending him home early from a field trip because his hair dye began to run was not cool by any means. I expect he will come home from school tomorrow with the full amount paid for this field trip in his pocket.
Dear Co-Workers,
For the last few weeks I have been writing about one co-worker however this week there are many of you who struck my last nerve! The tax season is almost complete so lets pull our heads out of our asses and just finish strong!
Dear Ever Changing Moon Phase,
For whatever reason this time you have been working your way to being a full moon has sent me into a tail spin. Can you please refrain from causing so many emotions for me and my family, that would be great!
I hope everyone has an awesome week. This past week was a rough one for my sister and I just want her to know we are all here for her and will comfort her in all ways possible. Love ya Sis:-)
Now it's your turn........ Take out your frustrations, then link up so we can all have a good giggle.

Happy Monday Everyone!! It has been a long week for me and I am looking forward to a much brighter week ahead. If you would like to join in please hop on over to eightymphmom and join in:) I am so excited to be doing this every week and I am learning so much from jumping around to everyone else's blogs too! Have a great week, and if you get a chance stop by and check out my new weekly blog hop entitled Dear So and So. It's a great way to release your frustrations from the past week and start with a clean slate for next week:)

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About Me

- Jacki
- Clinton Township, Michigan, United States
- I am a single mom of a preteen young man who works a full time job. My son and I try and do many activities together inside and outside (weather permitting)