Sunday, March 14, 2010

postheadericon Monday Mingle 3/15/2010

Welcome back to another Monday Mingle!  If you would like to join in please pop on over to eightymphmom for all the details and to view the other vlogs!  This week I have included my kittens at the end for everyone who would like to see them:)  I know I was not around much this week, but that was due to work and I will try to be around more this week and pop over to view all of the mingles I can.  Have a great week everyone!



Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

Hi Jacki!
You have a kitten room, that is so awesome! I wish my daughter was up to see them, I'll have to show her your Mingle tomorrow...well, maybe not - then she'd want some of her own. K, scratch that. LOL
That is one great wish, I like that!

Have a great week!

Unknown said...

What a great wish!! My kids would love a kitten room -- but I wouldn't love to clean up after the kitten room -- although -- now I am wanting a ninja kitten real bad!!

Have a great week!

Amy Clary said...

I try so very hard to not let other crazy drivers get to me. It's just too tough sometimes. LOL

I'm with you on your wish. No more war so we can have our brothers back. Sounds like a plan.

I love the little kittens. They're so adorable. :)

Dee said...

The kittens are adorable! My dog heard the meows and came running. LOL

Cluttered Brain said...

Aww. I can hear the kittens. Cute.
My cat is preggo so I'll have some kittens in a couple of weeks too. Fun, huh?

I like your wish. Cool.
It is nice to have your brothers back.

Those kittens sound so CUTE. Can't wait to see them.

Awww! So CUTE.
Love the gray cat. Keep him.

Thanks for showing us.
Yup, little claws hurt don't they?

Have a GREAT wEEK!

KarieK said...

Oh mama I can hear those cuties! See I am all about the skydiving too....what a rush. Yes, stupid drivers is a tough one to overcome. Awe great wish too! The kitties are adorable, mama put them away teasing all us animal lovers. LOL

Susan (5 Minutes For Mom) said...

Awww... kittens. I'm not much of a cat person, but who can resist kittens? LOL

Skydiving? Wow. I think that would be the worst ever!

Come here to the Pacific Northwest, we've got mountains, but I'm sure not climbing them.'s tough when family is far away. It's so nice to have everyone live close together. My wish was related to peace on earth.

My mingle is at


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